Boosting Cross-Market Brand Performance for Gruppo UNA Delivering Advanced DCO

“The personalization of creative content for different e-commerce audiences has allowed Gruppo UNA to optimize prospecting and retargeting campaigns. The results achieved have exceeded the set goals, and the scalability of the strategy will enable further campaign optimizations, increasing ROAS.”
Simone Merli
Digital Marketing Manager at Gruppo UNA


Gruppo UNA is the largest Italian Hotel chain with a portfolio of 47 hotels, resorts and residences spread over 21 destinations throughout Italy.

In line with its digital maturity process and the full-funnel growth strategies implemented over the last few years, Gruppo UNA partnered with the Incubeta team to identify a new display approach to further scale campaign performance across the Italian and international markets, particularly in terms of bookings and ROAS.

Given the goals and detailed business requirements, Incubeta suggested a highly tailored messaging strategy based on the design of two creative templates that would dynamically adapt to multiple campaigns and brands, covering the user experience throughout the funnel.

This approach aimed to give Gruppo UNA’s brands greater flexibility for creative and message variations, a greater focus on the user experience on the website and the narrative consistency of their brands.


According to the goals received, Incubeta suggested a highly customized messaging strategy leading to the design of two creative templates, one for prospection and one for retargeting, which could dynamically adapt to multiple campaigns and brands covering the full-funnel user experience.

On the technical side, for Prospecting a one-feed template was found as efficient solution to customize text, images and messages according to the target audience. For Retargeting a multi-feed template was built to combine relevant audiences with external signals and Client’s commercial proposition for each Market and Brand.

In terms of creativity, three main frames were built for a purely inspirational and evocative pre-defined narrative: Gastronomy, Family, Weekend Getaway, Business, Destinazione Italia.

The three main frames were followed by a final customized frame: a carousel guided by hotel/destination, or a frame dedicated to promotions and events for prospection, a customized offer based on the user’s interaction with Client’s communication and site for retargeting.

The strategic approach, which was very advanced both from a technical and creative point of view, led to a highly customized message that perfectly matched user and Client’s needs.

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