Amplifying Social Content for Life Style Sports Expanding Brand Reach


As the largest ecommerce sports retailers in Ireland, Life Style Sports wanted to rethink their social outputs and run a campaign that would drive performance and maximise return on their existing bank of high quality in-house creatives, and influencer content. 

Incubeta was tasked with developing an approach that would drive clients to their summer shop through the use of traditional display and social media content.

Our sole objective was to increase ad CTR.


We developed a Social Amplification Tool that allowed us to take organic content directly from social platforms and serve across the web, with in-built targeting to match posts with on-page content.

With Social Amplification we could pull both static, and video content from Instagram (be it Influencer or Organic) and push it into programmatic display – which is a much higher area of reach. 

From here we used multiple concurrent variations of the social amplification creatives, split by gender & other factors, to allow us to increase our testing potential & gather more valuable insights.

Our platform is designed to ensure that advertisers can control what content they amplify, and who sees it. By assigning posts to specific campaigns and controlling the relative priorities of each post, brands can ensure potential customers are seeing the most relevant message at all times. The contextual keyword targeting feature furthered this by enabling the platform to manage creative content and assignment, plus the keyword targeting of relevant line items in the DSP.

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