Generali office

Maximizing Efficiency with Analytics solutions For Generali Navigating Complexities, Delivering Results

“Incubeta: a lighthouse in the sea of Google Analytics.”
Nicola Casellato, Webmaster Generali Italia
Webmaster Generali Italia


Generali’s Italian-based headquarters was looking for a solution to support internal teams about Data and Analytics in the local market.

With no dedicated Analytics team in place, various stakeholders required operations and technical ongoing support.

Generali was asking for support on different Brands: Generali Italy, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Cattolica, Generali Welion, Generali Jeniot that used to refer to an affiliated Company in the Group for Data, Analytics, Reporting and Tracking solutions.

The challenge was to manage, maintain and combine day by day support on Analytics and Tag Manager, from implementation to reporting and insights, with wider projects involving different stakeholders and teams with specific needs and requirements


Generali Country Italia partnered with Incubeta on a number of different projects with ongoing support to maintain Generali Country Italia Analytics and Tag Manager. The approach focused on key areas:

Data streamlining
By using the Firebase platform for the applications and building a Global property for the brands and finally reducing tags from 250 to 5 for each Brand.

Managing the migration of 20 Analytics properties to GA4 with seamless transition of event tracking.

Supporting with setup, personalization and maintenance of the infrastructures for Generali Brands’ websites based on different technologies like physical pageview, Single Page application and Sharepoint.

Setting up Consent Mode v2 with the advanced configuration for the main 3 brands and delivering the documentation to replicate the configuration for the secondary brands.

Data architecture and standardization
Supporting Generali to redefine data organization, building a standardized architecture to collect data useful and ready for analysis, reporting and insights.

Creating an ecosystem based on a single repository of information
Dashboards to monitor events with automated alerting solutions

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