
What’s Next in AI; Key Learns from Google Cloud Summit

By 2030, AI-powered innovation could create over £400 billion in economic value for the UK alone – saving 700k+ hours in administrative work across multiple sectors; especially healthcare and education. This presents a massive opportunity for businesses looking to heighten their efficiency and drive profitable growth.

Sebastiaan Pfennigwerth

Google is at the forefront of this transformation – offering a number of revolutionary features, technologies and solutions to fuel business growth.

Gemini for Google Workspace

Gemini—Google Cloud’s generation AI foundation model—is one of the core ways that Google is helping businesses deploy generative AI in the ‘modern workplace’. Gemini for Google Workspace (an AI powered assistant) is built right into the collaboration apps such as Gmail, Docs and Sheets, Gemini and can help businesses streamline productivity across sales, marketing, customer service and HR.


It is a research analyst that helps you spot trends, synthesize information and identify business opportunities, a productivity partner that helps draft, reply and summarize emails to save time, and creative partner to help curate presentations, build creatives and generate custom assets.

Gemini for Google Workspace also offers the opportunity to integrate add-ons, empowered with AI, that enable the wider workforce to do their jobs more efficiently and boost productivity.

Harnessed effectively, Gemini for Google Workspace can deliver significant organizational time-saving and drive up to a 50% increase in ROI

BigQuery Data Canvas & Vertex AI

BigQuery data canvas – a Gemini in BigQuery feature – is Google’s latest advancement in data analysis and will be a game changer for businesses across data integration and supporting data democratization. 

Designed to accelerate analytics tasks, BigQuery data canvas allows businesses to use natural language for basic SQL queries, to create custom visualizations, and to automate data insights.


Looking forward, we’ll see increased investment from Google into BigQuery and Vertex AI combinations – bringing the power of Vertex AI directly into BigQuery to upscale capabilities. 

Internal Upskilling & Training

With Google adding Gemini to all products, upscaling your workforce on AI will become a crucial element in the success of an organization. 

Training will be the key to breaking down traditional departmental silos (Marketing / Analytics / Engineering / Ecommerce / Logistics / Finance) to support business-wide application at-scale to drive more profitable growth.


AI is transforming the way businesses work, and should be a focus for organizations hoping to outperform. The solution is to take a pragmatic approach to AI and interconnectivity, recognizing the tangible uses that actually help increase return, reduce spend, and streamline activity.

To learn more about how you can use AI to enhance business growth and productivity, download our latest whitepaper – Investments for Marketing Profitability.

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