
The Best Replacement for Third-Party Cookies

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Article Update: Despite Google scrapping the deprecation of third-party cookies, privacy initiatives and first-party data should still remain your priority. Everything discussed in the article below is still applicable.

D-Day is coming (if a little delayed… again), and third-party cookies are on their way out, birthing a new era of digital advertising focused on privacy and consumer centricity. 

Matilda Rose Moir

While the loss of trackability may be causing anxiety en masse, we’ve found the perfect solution to the problem – and we can prove it works.

The phasing out of third-party cookies will have a ripple of consequences across various parts of the digital ecosystem, but the one that’s causing the most angst, or so our clients tell us, is the loss of user tracking and accurate conversion measurement.

Introducing Enhanced Conversions…

WTF is Enhanced Conversions


One of the core principles that’ll help your brand combat the loss of third-party cookies, Enhanced Conversions is designed to enhance the accuracy of your conversion tracking and provide better signals to your bidding strategies. In layman’s terms, it helps you leverage additional information about user behavior, optimizing your campaigns and unlocking powerful bidding without relying on cookies. Not quite a replacement but you get the gist…

Implementing Enhanced Conversions can help you refine your conversion measurement and can, when combined with smart tools such as PMax (now pimped out with AI-powered features), dramatically improve your conversion rate and performance. Which is exactly what it did for top finance service provider, Sanlam.

Through the implementation of Google’s Enhanced Conversions and PMax, they saw a significant improvement in conversion tracking accuracy and witnessed notable advancements in campaign performance, including:


This comprehensive approach enabled us to navigate the challenges posed by evolving privacy regulations, and the loss of third-party cookies – driving real, tangible results. But don’t take our word for it…

What else can I do to prepare for the loss of third-party cookies?

We’re so glad you asked. On top of deploying Enhanced Conversions there are a number of other things you can do to ease the headache of losing third-party cookies (and help you stay privacy compliant). 

  1. Maximize First-Party Data Collection
  2. Strengthen your CRM System
  3. Stay Informed
  4. Embrace Google Analytics 4
  5. Deploy Consent Mode
  6. Deploy Conversions API
  7. Explore the Privacy Sandbox
  8. Implement Server Side Tagging

All these are covered in full detail in our recent blog, Mission Critical: Getting to Grips with Third-Party Cookie Deprecation, where we help you proactively prepare for the big farewell, and maintain the efficacy of your marketing strategies.

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Need help setting up Enhanced Conversions? Get in touch and our team of privacy experts will get your business privacy ready:

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