Stronger Measurement for Better Marketing

Stronger Measurement for Better Marketing

Join us live from London for Incubeta's upcoming event.

Feb 7

4 Hours



Join us on February 7, at Google’s HQ in Kings Cross – London, for the joined Incubeta x Google event – “Stronger Measurement for Better Marketing.


Ignite your passion for analytics as we navigate the changing privacy landscape, spotlight Google Analytics 4, and dive into client stories and cutting-edge tools. 


Content Lineup

Incubeta will set the stage with insights into how to run successful marketing in today’s evolving data and privacy landscape. A Google Global Product Lead will then provide an exclusive update on Google Analytics 4.

Prepare for real-world impact as client case studies unveil the advantages of server-side tracking and demystify the activation of first-party data with  Soteria, shedding light on its capabilities for enhanced analytics.

In the final speaker session, we will explore future trends and innovations and offer a glimpse into emerging technologies and data-driven strategies that are transforming the landscape of marketing analytics.


We’ll wrap up the day with interactive roundtable discussions led by Incubeta experts, delving into common challenges and Next-Generation Analytics topics. This is your chance to connect, network, and brainstorm with industry experts, shaping the future of marketing analytics.


  • 2:30PM Opening Note (by Kate Jervis – Incubeta)
  • 2:50PM GA4 Product Update (by Alice Crawley – Google)
  • 3:10PM Client Case Study: Moving Server-Side (by Jimmy Santangeli – Incubeta & Brand *TBC soon)
  • 3:30 – 3:45PM – Break
  • 3:45PM Activation of 1PD through Soteria (by Jimmy Santangeli & Merel van Steen – Incubeta, & Brand *TBC soon)
  • 4:05PM Next Gen Analytics (by Incubeta & Google)
  • 4:30PM Roundtable discussions
  • 5-7PM Networking – Drinks & Nibbles

We’ll make sure to keep you entertained with refreshments, delicious bites, and exciting giveaways.

Please note, registrations to attend live have now closed. 


Event Registration Criteria:
  • Validation of Professional Affiliation:
The use of work email addresses serves as a means to validate professional affiliation, ensuring that all participants share common interests relevant to the event. All participants are required to use their official work email addresses or else we reserve the right to restrict entry.
  • Seniority Criteria
The content of this event is designed to cater exclusively to participants of seniority, specifically from managerial positions and above. This measure is implemented to maintain the utmost relevance and engagement throughout the event. To ensure that all participants share common interests pertinent to the event’s objectives, we kindly request registrations only from senior stakeholders within their respective organizations.


Kate Jervis

Growth Director at Incubeta

Alice Crawley

Senior Sales Engineer at Google

Jimmy Santangeli

Analytics Manager at Incubeta

Merel van Steen

Senior Search Consultant at Incubeta

Max Flajsner

Global Director of Technology at Incubeta

Alex Sneddon-Wilkins

Head of Analytics at Incubeta


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Thank you!

We’ll be in touch with you soon.