Perspectives of Human Talent in the Face of Digital Transformation

The digital marketing industry is closely related to technological advances and that poses constant challenges in various aspects. One of the main ones has to do with human talent and the specialization that is sought in it.


The only constant in this industry is the rapid change in new technologies, changing trends, tools etc. from which the roles that have to be filled to design innovative solutions for brands and companies of all sectors and sizes are derived. A marketing professional regularly has training and experience in Kotler theories, the 4 P’s, the 4 C’s, etc., or more recently in marketing and communication adapted to digital platforms. However, today it is no longer enough, companies that seek to evolve and be ready to focus on their consumers through several channels at the same time, require increasingly multidisciplinary teams. This new profile of marketing professional works hand in hand with teams of Technology, Data Scientists and Analysts who give a panoramic view of the current state of a company and the opportunities that could grow the business. Faced with this situation, digital transformation faces an important challenge: the deficit of specialized talent. Companies are looking for professionals who assume key roles, ranging from people with strategic visions aligned to business objectives, to people with skills and technical specializations to understand and manage tools, statistical programs and everything necessary so that data can become a company asset that generates wisdom.

What are companies looking for in human talent for the digital industry?

Beyond the person’s affinity with the company’s organizational culture, employers are looking for people with hard and soft skills. The first has to do with technical knowledge, for example: cloud technologies, data analysis, digital campaign structures, etc. The second has to do with emotional intelligence, communication skills, the ability to work in a team, the ease of adapting to changes, etc. At the other end of an ideal profile, we find educational programs that are not congruent with the demand of the labor market. Formal education is not yet aligned with what the industry demands in digital terms. In addition to this, there are currently four generations coexisting in the labor market – Baby boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z – each with different points of view, behaviors, needs and ways of learning. That is why some companies have developed methodologies to attract and retain human talent to help them face this challenge, regardless of the generation to which they belong or what their motivator is. Others continue in search of the formula.

Bridging the gap is a teamwork

The digital transformation applied to updating and training human talent involves years of work. It is a commitment of the entire organization that begins by providing members with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve it. The knowledge deficit can be reduced if the company takes the role of training its own teams or looking for allies to help accelerate growth. The process for younger generations is different. Formal education is not enough for them, self-learning is common for them because they have access to a huge amount of information and it is they who decide what they want to learn, in what way and at what time. For companies, these new generations are very attractive, since having their talent and interest could be a guarantee of innovation, disruptive ideas, and creativity. However, due to their search for immediacy, constant feedback and rewards, not being satisfied with what their company offers them, they tend to look for new paths that constantly challenge them, which makes turnover rates grow significantly. The departments that oversee the attraction and retention of talent and the leadership of companies are already experiencing these changes, which is far from stopping and will begin to require strategy and creativity to face them. Hence the adoption of methodologies such as agile culture, collaborative work, remote work etc.

In conclusion, companies should dedicate time and focus to the training and development of their teams because it is their people who can accelerate or stop their digital transformation. The invitation to marketing professionals and related areas is not to stop learning and updating. The talent deficit, far from being a real problem in the world of work, can become a unique opportunity to position itself (as a company or as a person) in a highly competitive and changing world.


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