3 Ways to Craft Creatives that Woo Your Audience this Valentine’s Day

Time and time again, we’ve seen that Valentine’s Day is one of the shortest purchasing periods in retail. Because of this pressing time for brands and businesses, it’s difficult to cut through the noise and stand out. And with Valentine’s Day sales expecting to be around $25.9 billion this year, 8.4% higher than 2023, the pressure is on. 




Ethan Vaughan

With the holiday just around the corner, now’s the time to kick your campaigns into high gear. If your current strategy isn’t yielding the results you want, fret not. We’ve got the ultimate tips to jazz up your campaigns and woo your customers.


My 3 Top Tips:


1. Be their savior by preventing last-minute purchases and send a reminder of last delivery dates, ensuring their special someone gets the gift they deserve. Add some passion into your strategy by implementing countdowns to Valentine’s Day in your banners.


2. The struggle is real when you want to pick the perfect gift for your special someone who deserves nothing but the world. Guide your customers through the sea of choices with our Valentine’s Day gift guides, heartwarming product recommendations, and interactive gift finders.


3. Ensure that everyone is included by incorporating inclusive messaging and imagery in your creative. Avoid alienating any segment of your audience by acknowledging LGBTQ+ relationships, Palentine’s celebrations, and individuals showing themselves some extra love on Valentine’s Day. Crafting messages that are inclusive and tailored to a diverse audience not only maximizes your campaign reach but also spreads love in every direction.


It’s not too late to make the most out of Valentine’s day. If you are short on time and resources, check out our whitepaper on how AI can help you make quick effective upgrades to your marketing campaigns. 


Mastering Valentine’s Day might feel like a sprint, but it’s definitely doable with the right game plan. There’s a sweet spot where creativity meets strategy, even in the limited time window. So, remember there’s still room to tailor your approach, add a dash of innovation, and make a lasting impression. It’s not too late to elevate your brand and create meaningful connections with customers. In the hustle and bustle of Valentine’s Day shopping, be the brand that leaves a lasting mark.


To succeed in seasonal sales, read our latest whitepaper with data-driven advice, practical tips, emerging trends, and real-world case studies.

Read the Whitepaper



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