Catering to the Gen-Z Consumer

Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials), are the demographic faction succeeding Millennials. Labeled the ‘most racially and ethnically diverse generation ever’, Gen Z refers to those born between 1997-2012 – the first generation raised on the internet and social media.

Matilda Rose Moir

Representing approximately 26% of the worldwide population, Gen Z’s are individuals ranging between the ages of 10 and 25 years old and, moving into 2023, will soon become the ‘largest cohort of consumers’ in the world. More aware and observant than any generation before, the Gen Z consumer demands a slightly different approach compared to their generational counterparts. And for marketers, connecting, and catering to the Gen Z’ers has never been more important.

Tapping into the billion dollar ($140 billion) revenue stream associated with Gen Z’ers is much easier said than done. Gen Z’ers are, due to their increased exposure to social media and news outlets, more informed, aware and authentic than any generation before, and understanding their interests, demands and pain points is critical for consumer buy-in. 

Best Practices

Digital natives in their own right, the majority of Gen Z’ers have little, if any memory of the world as it existed before the internet and/or smartphones. Meaning the way we talk to them, as marketers, needs to pivot significantly from their generational counterparts. 

So, how do you connect with a Gen Z audience? We’ve put together a number of best practices to help you engage, and build valuable consumer relationships with Gen Z’ers:

  1. Be Authentic
  2. Be Digital Literate & Consider your User Experience
  3. Champion DEI
  4. Listen to your Customers
  5. Be Engaging


Be Authentic

Authenticity, or more specifically, brand authenticity is one of the key elements at play when Gen Z’ers evaluate a product, brand or service. One need only consider the rise in authentic based social platforms, such as BeReal, to see the prevalence and importance that Gen Z places on authentic interactions.

With complete digital competency, Gen Z’ers have developed ‘an incredibly sophisticated filter to winnow out the noise’ associated with deceptive marketing efforts. Meaning, if a brand doesn’t demonstrate transparency and authenticity from the start, they won’t make an impact on their targeted audience and risk losing out. 

Consider your business proposition, and how this is reflected in your external collateral. Do you stand for something other than making a profit? Are you holding your brand to high standards? Are you real, relatable, inclusive and accessible in your communications and advertising? Demonstrate your understanding of the concept authenticity, and create a strong narrative/brand story that sets you apart from the competition and makes the Gen Z consumer connect with you on a personal level. 

Explore The Value of Inclusive Marketing for more tips on how to be authentically inclusive within your marketing efforts.

Be Digital Literate & Consider your User Experience

Raised on the backbone of technological innovation, the Gen Z consumer doesn’t just want digital literacy from brands, they demand it. Gen Z’ers expect brands to be online and they expect to be able to purchase across a variety of different touchpoints/channels – if a brand isn’t accessible it falls out of the consideration funnel all together. For Gen Z, technology isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. With this in mind it’s important to realize that traditional marketing methods don’t work; marketing needs to fit in with the Gen Z lifestyle; quick, bite sized bits of content that merge into their day to day exposure. Content that’s engaging, accessible and interactive – and customized to each channel it’s being served. 

It is also crucial to consider User Experience (UX) and how it can extend into your digital marketing efforts to truly drive performance for your brand. Gen Z don’t just crave digital competence, they’re also there for the experience. They value efficiency and convenience with 23% claiming they would drop a brand if its mobile features were poorly designed. Take the needs and objectives of your Gen Z customers into consideration when building your shopping experience. 

“Spend the day behaving as one of your consumers. Buy from your store, place an order, and experience that customer journey for yourself. Are there any hidden pain points?”  – Mark Lilley, Incubeta Managing Director – Northern Ireland / Ireland

Champion DEI

Diversity, equality and inclusion are significant driving principles for Gen Z’ers – which is especially true when it comes to the brands that they chose to support. They are committed to instigating societal change and observing the ways in which brands handle diversity and inclusion, both internally and externally, is a key deciding factor when it comes to purchasing decisions. With 76% of Gen Z’ers demanding brands address DEI, advertisers should be recognizing the value of embracing real-world diversity – supporting those historically ‘underrepresented, excluded or stereotypically portrayed’ in more than just their marketing.

To truly connect with Gen Z, you need to recognize that inclusive marketing isn’t something that sits on a checklist, it should be inherent to your brand – something that you continually work on to make customers feel valued, represented and appreciated. Consider the following; diversifying from the ground up, educating internal teams and rethinking ad messaging.

Listen to your Customers

Gen Z wants to be heard. They crave human interaction from the brands they associate with, and they want to know that their opinions matter. Demonstrate that you understand what your customers really want and need, that you’re listening to their opinions, and are making legitimate changes within your business to mirror interactions, and feedback you’ve received. 

Be Engaging

Boasting a typical attention span of approximately 8 seconds, brands have an incredibly narrow timespan in which to engage and make an impact on Gen Z’ers. As such, curating quick, to-the-point, and engaging advertisements (with ephemeral content) is a must for advertisers hoping to connect with a Gen Z audience. Tailor your approach around eye-catching, visual content that will appeal to your audience, with interactive elements that will encourage viewers to engage with your ad – and stipulate a positive association with your brand. It’s also important to consider the rise in video consumption. With 59% of Gen Z spending more time watching user-generated content online compared to 6 months ago, advertisers should explore video as a powerful medium in their marketing toolbox. 

“Video has expanded far beyond what we ever imagined, it’s the best way to capture your audience in 2022“. Taylor Holden, Incubeta Digital Project Manager – Paid Media

Additionally, brands should be taking a highly tailored and targeted approach when it comes to advertising. Gen Z crave relatability and personalization, so consider opting for a data-driven approach where you can target specific audiences with a specific message at the right time.  

While some best practices are dependent on cultural changes, and will take time to implement, there are some quick wins brands that can capitalize on. Get into the Gen Z mindset – think about what works and what doesn’t work, and make sure you’re being representative, inclusive and open. Gen Z care about making the world a better place, so show them that you can help them on their mission. For more information on how you can tailor your approach to cater to the Gen Z consumer get in touch with Incubeta today.

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