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EMEA / South Africa / Industry Insight

Incubeta’s Ignition Series: A Story of Growth, Collaboration, & Global Expansion

In an industry where change is the only constant, learning and development is pivotal. Incubeta, like many other organizations, recognizes the need for continuous upskilling and cross-skilling to thrive in an ever-evolving environment. Our internal knowledge sharing program, the Ignition Series is a testament to our commitment to staying agile and innovative. We are proud of the Incubeta Cape Town L&D team who embarked on a mission to revamp the way we shared knowledge within our organization. Here’s how they did it. 

EMEA / Industry Insight

Creative Solutions for Peak Performance: Data Driven Tactics to Drive Conversions

In an age where personalization, privacy, automation, and media efficiency reign supreme, creative emerges as the cornerstone to your strategy – one that elevates your marketing and helps you to cut through the noise. Our recent webinar, “Creative Solutions for Peak Performance,” brought together industry experts, insightful speakers, and a real-world case study that explores the pivotal role of creative in transforming your campaigns.

EMEA / Industry Insight

Unveiling a Game-Changing Opportunity for Amazon Sellers: The Low-Price FBA Advantage

In the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon’s Marketplace, Amazon announced a new change to one of their essential FBA programs, Small and Light. Below we look at what the update to the rules involves, and its impact for sellers on the platform. With lots of fee changes on the platform over the past two years, we’re hearing a lot more concern around the profitability of selling on Amazon, so being aware of new FBA rules is essential to success.

EMEA / Industry Insight

Amazon’s Brand Registry: Elevate Your Brand’s Presence and Power

With the bustling world of online shopping, it can be hard to grow your business – competition is fierce, and brands are often battling over price points with counterfeit brands and trademark infringements. This is especially true across Amazon, which is where their Brand Registry comes in – a knight in shining armor for Amazon sellers.

EMEA / Industry Insight

Your Checklist for a Winning Black-Friday-Cyber-Monday Strategy on Amazon

Black Friday (November 24th) and Cyber Monday (November 27th), offer massive opportunities for brands on Amazon to drive sales, increase visibility, and leverage holiday shopping trends. Competitive brands will have started implementing their Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) strategies by now (3 months prior to the event) for optimal results.

EMEA / Industry Insight

WTF is Data Empathy?

In the realm of data analysis, Winston Churchill once remarked, “I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself,” illustrating the potential for data manipulation to support certain arguments, distorting reality and the underlying facts. Unfortunately, many brands fall into the trap of using data merely to affirm their preexisting biases rather than using it as a compass for guidance. When this happens, the motivation to empathize and understand people’s perspectives dwindles, as they are only reinforcing their assumptions.

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